Our next Senior Lunch will be Friday, March 7th in the Conference Room at the Center. Contact Cristina@solanopride.org for more info. There will be a short presentation on Senior Self Defense from 1-1:30 pm.
We will be having our next Senior Zoom meeting on March 14th. Contact marlette@solanopride.org to get the link to join the fun!
Look for an Intergenerational Program with young people on a Friday in April. Let Trystan@solanopride.org know if you are interested.
To see all of the other programs, go under the home button in the menu or go to this link: https://solanopride.org/social-and-support-groups
Senior Programs: https://solanopride.org/senior-programs/
Youth Programs: https://solanopride.org/youth-programs/